Should the United States Ban TikTok to Preserve National Security?

In this mini simulation, students step into the shoes of the National Security Council to decide if the United States should impose a ban on TikTok to safeguard citizens’ data and the country’s security. Students will learn about the ways that private businesses can intersect with national security and the opportunities and limitations for government regulation of digital technologies.

U.S. History Mini Simulations

In this series of historical mini simulations, students step into the shoes of policymakers to advise the U.S. president on how to respond to major foreign policy moments in U.S. history. These eight historical simulations cover crucial U.S. decisions from the 19th to 21st centuries. Designed with a U.S. history survey course in mind, the simulations can fuel a lively discussion to supplement your curriculum and encourage civic engagement.

Washington’s Field Headquarters – Virtual Tour

To win the Revolutionary War, General George Washington needed the support of thousands of people with varying skills and perspectives. Using Washington’s sleeping and office tent, which survives at the Museum of the American Revolution, and replicas of this and his other military “equipage” as its starting point, this experience explores the experience at camp

Through Their Eyes – Teacher Resource Guide

Built to support the Through Their Eyes core museum student experience, as well as use of the Virtual Tour of the Museum of the American Revolution, this teacher resource guide features modular activities of varying lengths, types, and purposes to encourage student thinking and discussion. High quality images, worksheets, and more engage students around themes

Finding Freedom – Interactive Online Storybook

Drawing from historical sources as well as contemporary analysis, Finding Freedom explores the lives and decisions of five real people of African descent living in Virginia in 1781, as the British and American armies battle across the state. Their first-person narratives – supported by classroom resources, including primary sources – feature points of decision-making to

Season of Independence – Online Interactive Map and Timeline

Mirroring an in-museum resource, this interactive online map and timeline tracks statements of support for independence across the 13 American colonies in rebellion over time, while placing those colonies in larger geographic context. Throughout, it presents the voices of those who supported independence, disagreed, and hoped to avoid a war altogether. Use the accompanying classroom

Grades 8, 9-12, 5, 6, 7
Federal Government

Timeline of the American Revolution

Using a mixture of historical objects, artifacts, and documents drawn from the Museum’s collection, this multimedia timeline explores both key moments and surprising stories of the American Revolution. The Timeline features high-quality images and is enhanced by video explorations of select items. It encourages users to look closely, dig deeply, and even extend their experience

Grades 8, 9-12, 5, 6, 7
Closed Captions