Education was integral to Dr. King’s vision for a more just society, and working to ensure that dream comes true is integral to America’s educators today. Share the influential ideas of this towering figure of the civil rights movement who envisioned racial, economic and social justice for America by espousing non-violent, collective action that would change society forever. Share My Lesson’s updated collection features curated lesson plans, resources and activities to help your prek-12 students explore Dr. King’s commitment to the labor movement and the fight for justice and dignity.
Labor Day: Union Education Resources

Share My Lesson has curated a collection of free lesson plans, activities, and resources to help teachers explore labor history with their K-12 students. Students will learn about the meaning of Labor Day, labor history, how Labor Day got its name, how labor unions work, and how labor unions have impacted the course of history.
Rights of Farm Workers: Labor Leaders César Chávez and Dolores Huerta

March 31 is César Chávez Day and April 10 is Dolores Huerta Day. Use these K-12 lesson plans and resources to celebrate the life and legacy of these civil rights and labor activists. Topics span their co-founding of the United Farm Workers union, their use of nonviolent protests to fight for the rights of laborers and includes other change-makers like Lucas Benitez and Librada Paz.