Stars and Stripes Forever: Flag Facts for Flag Day

Students will learn what a symbol is and how this particular symbol—the American flag—is an important part of our everyday lives. Learning the history of the flag will help instill in students respect for our national symbol and help them learn appropriate etiquette regarding our flag. Students will learn that other symbols of our country, such as the president and certain holidays, like Flag Day, are important to us as well. Students can also contribute symbols from their familial, ethnic and national cultures to show the diversity of American society and its links to other parts of the world.

Lesson 2: The Federalist Defense of Diversity and “Extending the Sphere”

This lesson involves a detailed analysis of Alexander Hamilton’s and James Madison’s arguments in favor of the extended republic in The Federalist Nos. 9, 10 and 51. Students consider and understand in greater depth the problem of faction in a free republic and the difficulty of establishing a government that has enough power to fulfill its responsibilities, but which will not abuse that power and infringe on liberties of citizens.

Constitution Day Across the Country

Various free, downloadable lessons across grades K through 12 to facilitate providing educational programs on Constitution Day. These interactive lessons teach about the development and evolution of the U.S. Constitution. Students are able to express themselves through discussion and debates while engaging in various activities.

Grades 8, 9, 10, K, 11, 1, 12, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Rights and Responsibilities

Hispanic Heritage Month Activities & Resources

Prek-12 Lessons for Hispanic Heritage Month.

Each year, from September 15 to October 15, the United States observes Hispanic Heritage Month. During the month-long celebration, which begins on the anniversary of the independence of many Latin American countries, we commemorate the histories, cultures and contributions of Hispanic American citizens. Share My Lesson has lesson plans, activities, and classroom resources to help educators celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in their schools.