Graham v. Florida (2010)

Is sentencing a minor to life without parole for a non-homicide crime “cruel and unusual” punishment under the Eighth Amendment? This case summary shows how the Supreme Court answered that question in 2010.

Grades 11, 12, 9, 10
Judicial Branch/Supreme Court
Research (Digests of Primary Sources)

Interactive Constitution: Eighth Amendment (High School)

This lesson introduces students to different viewpoints and debates surrounding the 8th Amendment by using the National Constitution Center’s Interactive Constitution. Students will build understanding of the resources and methods used by justices on the Supreme Court and Constitutional scholars when analyzing and forming opinions about articles, sections, and clauses of the Constitution

Interactive Constitution: Eighth Amendment (Middle Level)

This lesson introduces students to different viewpoints and debates surrounding the 8th Amendment by using the National Constitution Center’s Interactive Constitution. Students will build understanding of the resources and methods used by justices on the Supreme Court and Constitutional scholars when analyzing and forming opinions about articles, sections, and clauses of the Constitution.

Putting the Bill of Rights to the Test

This primary source-based workbook (as PDF or eBook/ePub) helps students explore some of the protections found in the Bill of Rights and how they’ve been tested throughout U.S. history. Each chapter includes background information, guiding questions, analysis questions, primary sources, and discussion questions. Concepts include freedom of religion, speech and press; the right to assemble, petition, bear arms, and have counsel; search and seizure; due process; and cruel and unusual punishment.

Kansas v. Marsh (2006)

Is a Kansas statute allowing the death penalty when mitigating and aggravating evidence are equal in violation of the Eighth Amendment? This case summary shows how the Supreme Court answered that question in 2006.

Grades 9-12
Judicial Branch/Supreme Court
Research (Digests of Primary Sources)